Supermodel [Foster the People]

With their second studio album Supermodel, Foster the People make incredible efforts, but the ultimate result just marginally meets expectations. The lyrics aren’t always as clever and pungent as the band thinks they are, and the tracks tend to wander off, sometimes into nothingness, before snapping themselves back into reality. This could be due in great part to the somewhat homogenous sound that arises in most of the album. However, tracks like “Pseudologia Fantastica” and “Best Friend” occasionally exhibit clear signs of musical genius and cognitive brilliance. Thus, Foster the People reminds us that their departure from the Torches sound was indeed for the better (and had the potential to be absolutely fantastic). Despite the growing electronic biosphere that is engulfing indie pop/rock music, the band still manages to handle synthetic sounds with a grain of salt – allowing the widely eclectic instrumental arrangements to shine. Slowly but surely, Mark Foster’s creative image will become clear as his works progressively mature. Consider this a transition album, and you’ll be more than happy.

FINAL SCORE: 3½ out of 5 stars  (raw score: 72.5, between “pretty good” and “great”)

Supermodel was released March 18, 2014

Glow [Tensnake]

Tensnake’s debut album Glow is a diamond in the rough of electronic dance music. Although his technique and thought process mature and transforms as the album progresses, Glow consistently delivers; it’s music both your body and spirit can shake to. Some of the sounds and beats have a hard time sticking their landings, and some tracks may have unclear directions, but the ultimate result is quietly exhilarating. The album feels greater than its individual tracks, an exceptionally difficult feat to achieve in the electronic dance genre. By the time you hit “Last Song,” you feel like a changed man, as if the album imparted some ancient dance floor wisdom on you. Like a home cooked meal, Glow doesn’t add flourishes or pretend to be high art; it simply provides with its entertainment factor set on high and its heart on its sleeve. Simply put, Glow is a humble beauty. Tracks like “See Right Through,” “58Bpm,” and “Pressure” are worth a listen even if you aren’t an EDM aficionado.

FINAL SCORE: 3½ out of 5 stars (raw score: 77.5, between “pretty good” and “great”)

Glow was released March 3, 2014